Baby Boy you stay on my mind, fulfill my fantasies.
I think about you all the time, I see you in my dreams.
I Love Gavin so much. I think about him all the time, more and more. When I'm driving to work, while I'm at work, when I'm driving home from work. He is my motivation for waking in the morning (sorry Microsoft, it's not the job). At the end of each work day, I am so excited to go home and see my cute baby!
When I'm at home, I always have to remind myself to turn off the TV or computer, so that I can cherish the time with Gavin. He will only be tiny and cute for a relatively short time, then it won't be so cute and fun once he walks, runs, and jumps!
For the last 3 days, the Precious One has been nursing a mild cold, with a runny and stuffy nose. I feel so sorry for him at night because it's tough for him to sleep with a stuffy nose. He relies on his pacifier to soothe him for sleep, but he is forced to spit it out when he can't breathe through his nose. :(
I wish so much that I could ease the discomfort for him, so I've been more deliberate and consistent in sucking the snot out of his nose with the baby bulb syringe, and also twisting some Q-tips in his tiny nose to get the snot out.
I know that this is only the tip of the iceberg, so I'm bracing myself and dreading the days when he will encounter greater difficulties that will break my heart (like maybe not getting along with other kids at school because they are jealous of his brilliance, or not performing so well in a class that he likes, or losing his first baseball game).