Sunday, January 27, 2008

Stylin' G

Our robotic vacuum does the job.

My new hat from Grandma.


Do I know you?

Chuck E. Cheese party

Celebrated cousin Isabelle's 4th bday at Chuck E. Cheese.

Eating pizza.

Saturday, January 5, 2008

Holiday Vacation

Here we are at Granville Island in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. Look at what a tiny person I am!
Here I am at the Nike outlet store, with a basketball that is almost as big as me!

We spent Christmas day on top of the Space Needle.

Coloring with Daddy.

Tita Joanne gave us all an assigned plate for Christmas dinner. She's like Martha Stewart. Her house is like a model home.

Daddy's plate.

Mommy's plate.

My plate.

Opening the gifts.

Christmas Eve dinner.

The Price's cat, Yuki.

I like to play with Yuki. He's bigger than me.

I want you Mommy!

A Christmas game with my cousins.